Pakistan election: Final results give Khan-backed candidates lead

The General elections in Pakistan have concluded with surprising results.

Independent candidates supported by the PTI party, led by the jailed ex-PM Imran Khan, have taken the lead, winning 101 of the National Assembly seats. Through BBC analysis, it has been revealed that 93 of these seats were secured by PTI-backed candidates.

This result has put the PTI ahead of ex-PM Nawaz Sharif’s PMLN, which won 75 seats. The formation of the government remains uncertain due to the ongoing wrangling between the different parties.

Independent candidates who were not successful in the elections have filed multiple complaints of vote-rigging at the courts. Both the PTI and Mr. Sharif’s PMLN have shown interest in forming the next government.

The unexpected outcome of the elections has thrown the political landscape into disarray and sparked protests against the alleged rigging of the results. The situation has led to sections of police exercising control over civilian gatherings, creating a sense of political instability in the country.

The eventual governing party will need to prove that they have a simple majority of 169 seats in the National Assembly. Mr. Sharif’s PMLN has begun discussions with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s PPP about the possibility of forming a government, while the Karachi-based MQM party has also emerged as a significant player in the polls, winning 17 seats.

The road ahead for Pakistan is fraught with challenges and tensions as various parties engage in negotiations and legal battles. This situation has led experts to warn of a prolonged period of political instability on the horizon for Pakistan.



