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HomeExplainerWhat does an empty red road sign mean?

What does an empty red road sign mean?

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ROADS in Ghana have various signs and markings that are crucial for drivers to follow in order to ensure safety on the road.

One important sign that drivers should be aware of is the empty red circle sign. This sign indicates that all vehicles are prohibited from entering, with the exception of pedal cycles. However, even pedal cycles are not allowed to be ridden, but can be pushed instead.

Circular road signs in Ghana give orders, with red circles specifically giving instructions that must be followed, such as speed limits. The blank sign with a red border indicating no vehicles allowed may also have additional signs below it specifying certain days or times when the restriction applies.

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The UK uses millions of road signs to guide road users on their journeys. There are three main types of signs – circular signs that give instructions, triangular signs that warn of upcoming hazards, and rectangular signs that provide information to drivers. The color of these signs helps to differentiate the messages being conveyed.

Speed limit signs are among the most common road signs seen in Ghana. These circular signs with a red border typically display speed limits, such as 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60. In areas where the speed limit is not posted, drivers should adhere to the national speed limit for single and dual carriageways with street lights, which is 30mph.

Other common road signs in Ghana include no entry signs, give way signs, speed camera signs, and no stopping or no waiting signs. These signs play a crucial role in ensuring road safety and traffic flow.

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Warning signs on Ghanaian roads are typically triangular with a red border, alerting drivers to potential hazards ahead. These signs can warn of height restrictions, roundabouts, crossroads, humps, and various other dangers that drivers need to be aware of.

It is important for all road users in Ghana to familiarize themselves with the various road signs and markings to ensure safe and efficient travel on the roads. By understanding the meanings and importance of these signs, drivers can contribute to a safer road environment for everyone.

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Cecelia Chintoh
Cecelia Chintoh
I'm Cecelia Chintoh, a Ghanaian blogger with many years of experience in the field of journalism. I'm an Editor at, and currently the Lifestyle and Entertainment Editor at I love to write about random stuff, but particularly about my lifestyle and opinions.
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