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HomeExplainerHow to cancel your EasyJet flight and get a refund

How to cancel your EasyJet flight and get a refund

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EasyJet is a top UK airline with millions of travelers booking flights annually, but what if you need to cancel your trip? Not to worry, as we have a complete guide on how to do it.

To cancel your EasyJet flight, you can do so through the company’s website. Simply go to the Manage Bookings section, and login using your surname and booking reference.

From there, you can select the flight reservation you wish to cancel and click “Cancel”. Please note that you may be required to pay a cancellation fee, and you can do so by providing your card payment details.

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If you prefer not to cancel online, you can call the EasyJet customer service team at 0330 365 5000. You can also cancel flights at an EasyJet Help Desk at most airports, as long as it is done less than two hours before take-off.

The cost to cancel an EasyJet flight is dependent on the timing. If you cancel within 24 hours of booking, you will receive a full refund except for the cancellation fee.

However, if you cancel more than 24 hours after booking, you will not receive a refund. The full terms and conditions can be found on the EasyJet website.

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After this 24-hour window, EasyJet flights become non-refundable. If you need to cancel due to a serious or terminal illness, you must submit a Medical Declaration document. The team will review your case and may offer a refund, a flight voucher for future use, or other options if the situation is due to a family bereavement.

If a refund is due, EasyJet will refund the card used for booking, within three to four days but it may take longer.

Additionally, you’re entitled to a refund on government flight taxes if you don’t fly for any reason. From the UK, this is £13 per flight for over-16s on all routes, except for Egypt, Jordan, and Israel where the amount is different.

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Furthermore, no charges apply on flights from Inverness and Jersey, and there is no time limit to claim a refund. You can contact EasyJet customer services to claim a refund.

So next time you need to cancel an EasyJet flight, remember these steps to ensure a smooth process and a possible refund.

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Cecelia Chintoh
Cecelia Chintohhttp://ighanaian.com/journalist/cecelia
I'm Cecelia Chintoh, a Ghanaian blogger with many years of experience in the field of journalism. I'm an Editor at Ghanafuo.com, and currently the Lifestyle and Entertainment Editor at iGhanaian.com. I love to write about random stuff, but particularly about my lifestyle and opinions.
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