Angela Aguilar, born on October 8, 2003, into the renowned musical family known as “The Aguilar Dynasty,” has been making headlines in the music industry. With a famous father, Pepe Aguilar, who has sold over 13 million albums worldwide, Angela was destined for greatness from a young age.
At just nine years old, Angela released her first album alongside her brother Leonardo. Following her debut, she participated in the BBC 100 Woman Festival in Mexico City, becoming the youngest performer at the event. Angela expressed her desire for the music industry, dominated by men, to change.
Her big break came with the release of her first solo album, “Primero Soy Mexicana,” produced by her father in 2018. This led to her nomination for Best New Artist at the 19th Annual Latin Grammy Awards, where she received a standing ovation and widespread praise from established Mexican artists.
In addition to her successful music career, Angela recently made headlines for her romantic relationship with fellow Mexican singer Christian Nodal. The two had established a friendship before their romance, performing together on various occasions.
Their collaboration on the song “Dime CĂłmo Quieres” reached No. 1 on the Regional Mexican Airplay Chart, solidifying their status as a power couple in the music industry. Despite facing some challenges, the duo continues to captivate fans with their talent and chemistry.
Angela’s powerful voice and traditional Mexican folk tunes have garnered her a dedicated fan base. Her rendition of “La Llorona” at the Latin Grammy Awards showcased her vocal prowess and solidified her position as a prominent figure in regional Mexican music.