Renowned Ghanaian comedian and event organizer, OB Amponsah, has revealed the daunting challenges he faces in putting together his shows. In a recent interview on Hitz FM’s morning show, he disclosed that he does not generate any profit from his events.
OB Amponsah, known for his exceptional comedy performances, confessed to the struggles comedians encounter when organizing their own shows.
He shared his experience from his most recent comedy show held at the Bukom Boxing Arena, where he found himself in debt. “I made a loss of about GH₵ 40,000,” he disclosed to host DJ Slim.
Despite the financial setbacks, OB Amponsah emphasized the importance of investing in his craft. The talented comedian has curated several successful comedy specials, including the ‘Popular But Broke’ show at the National Theatre of Ghana.
Making history on December 21, 2024, OB Amponsah filled the 4,000-capacity Bukom Boxing Arena with his remarkable 10th-anniversary comedy show.
However, prior to the event, he raised concerns about the excessive tax elements imposed on ticket sales, including taxes on complimentary tickets by the Ghana Revenue Authority.