US Rapper Jay-Z Enjoys Watching ‘Judge Judy’, Fans React: “He Is Just Like Me”

Fans react to US rapper Jay-Z enjoying watching ‘Judge Judy’

The revelation that US rapper Jay-Z enjoys watching the hit US TV show Judge Judy was made by Bradley Cooper, star of The Hangover, in a recent interview.

According to Cooper, he visited Beyoncé Knowles at her home to discuss a movie. Jay-Z was at home watching TV during the visit.

Fans were surprised by Jay-Z’s TV habits and many noted how they, too, enjoy watching the feisty American lawyer.

Fans of Jay-Z were surprised but many appreciated this information. A few even noted how they also enjoy watching the same show.

@realonx1 said: “I love Judge Judy too.”

@alt2facts added: “He is just like me. Literally watching it right now lol.”

@crco joked: “Lol Brad everyone loves Judge Judy.”

@yadavsiya9 mentioned: “Love me some Judge Judy.”

@hannah_cassidy said: “I love this.”



