Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeCelebrityI dress to glorify God, makeup is not evil – Piesie Esther

I dress to glorify God, makeup is not evil – Piesie Esther

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Gospel musician Piesie Esther has opened up about her fashion choices, stating that she dresses to glorify God and believes that makeup is not evil.

In a recent interview, the singer explained that she sees her clothing and makeup as a way to express her creativity and showcase her individuality, rather than using them to conform to societal standards.

Piesie Esther emphasized that she is mindful of the messages she sends through her appearance and wants to inspire others to embrace their unique style while embracing their faith.

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She believes that God appreciates diversity and creativity in all aspects of life, including fashion and beauty.

The musician’s comments come at a time when there is a growing debate within the Christian community about the use of makeup and fashion, with some arguing that these practices are contrary to biblical teachings.

However, Piesie Esther’s perspective challenges these beliefs and encourages her followers to express themselves confidently and authentically.

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Ultimately, Piesie Esther’s message is one of self-acceptance and empowerment, encouraging others to focus on their relationship with God rather than being overly concerned with outward appearances.


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Stephen Nartey
Stephen Nartey
I'm Stephen Nartey, a Ghanaian journalist, blogger, and news reporter. I'm an Editor at, my love for journalism and news reporting is driven by passion particularly about entertainment and general news. Please contact me on 0244952467 at your service.
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