Renowned Ghanaian musician and saxophonist, Teddy Osei, has recently passed away at the age of 88. The President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), Bessa Simons, confirmed that Osei died in London on January 14, 2025.
Born in Kumasi in December 1937, Teddy Osei was a key figure in the formation of the Afro-rock band Osibisa in 1969. His musical journey began in college where he started playing the saxophone and later formed a band called “The Comets” after working as a building inspector for a brief period.
In 1962, Osei traveled to London where he studied music and drama for three years with a grant from the Ghanaian government. Unfortunately, his grant was terminated after a regime change in Ghana.
Undeterred, Osei collaborated with fellow musicians and formed Osibisa in 1969. The band gained popularity in the 1970s and continues to perform to this day.
Throughout his career, Osei’s passion for music and dedication to his craft shone through.