Anti-LGBTQ+Bill: President is being constitutionally reckless; he’s playing tricks on us – MP

Anti-LGBTQ+ bill: President is being constitutionally reckless; he’s playing tricks on us – MP

A co-sponsor of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, has expressed concerns about President Akufo-Addo’s handling of the bill.

The Member of Parliament for South Dayi constituency in the Volta Region believes that the President is not adhering to constitutional requirements in his approach to assenting to the bill.

Despite the bill being passed by parliament, President Akufo-Addo has assured the international community of Ghana’s commitment to upholding human rights. During a diplomatic engagement on March 4, the President reiterated Ghana’s reputation for respecting human rights and adherence to the rule of law.

However, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor criticized the President’s stance, stating that he is being constitutionally reckless in his handling of the bill. He highlighted that the constitution empowers the President to propose necessary amendments or reject the bill outright if he disagrees with it. Dafeamekpor raised concerns that the President may delay the bill’s passage with flimsy excuses.

The MP explained that according to the law, if the President refuses to assent to a bill, he must state specific provisions for reconsideration by parliament within 14 days. Failure to do so would be a breach of constitutional provisions.

Dafeamekpor further emphasized that if the President withholds assent to the bill, parliament cannot proceed with further action. He criticized the President for potentially detaining the bill until a decision is made by the Supreme Court, which could hinder the legislative process.

In response to criticism, President Akufo-Addo clarified that the bill is facing a legal challenge at the Supreme Court, and no action will be taken until a decision is reached. Despite this explanation, concerns remain about the President’s handling of the bill and adherence to constitutional procedures.

On March 5, journalist and lawyer Richard Dela Sky filed a lawsuit against Parliament at the Supreme Court regarding the passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ bill. Sky sought an order to restrain President Akufo-Addo from assenting to the bill, highlighting the ongoing legal challenges surrounding the controversial legislation.



